Saturday, March 12, 2011


It's just how everybody starts their blog-with a welcome post!  ^_^  My name is Stacy and you've stumbled upon my blog for my Etsy shop, Stacy's Sundries.  I plan on using this blog for a great many things, so expect this place to be quite busy.  I make a lot of things in my shop, and I'm also learning new ways of making things because it's what I truly love to do.

I'll be posting progress on future projects here, what I'm currently teaching myself, and so on.  Also, there will be special giveaways and promotional offers here, so look out for those!  I'll have all kinds of links to other great shops and teams, and upcoming events that will be happening in the craft world, and whether or not I will be attending them.  I'll probably also be asking for a lot of advice on here, too from fellow Etsians.

So, in short, this place will be busy!  And, I thank you in advance for reading and for choosing to follow this blog--if that's what you came here to do!

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